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'Make studying in Australia your pathway to a bright future'

Study in Australia
Over 20% of Australia's Students are from Overseas

Value-add Services

5 Star Student Services offers a 'one stop shop' - the complete range of services an International Student requires to lead a successful, happy life in Australia. Many of these services are normally not readily available to International Students but we believe they will make life in Australia much easier and more fun!

Contact us Now to commence your journey!

Value-addedServices include:

Australia celebrates its diversity through food!

Part time employment

After you have settled in Australia some students would like to obtain part time employment.  As well as the financial benefit it provides, it will also give you a sense of value, help you understand the Australian workplace culture and continue to develop your English language skills.

We can assist and support you in this area.

Career Coaching

Hopefully you are now working and living in Australia and yet you know you want to and can achieve so much more.  But how?

We have passionate Executive career coaches who will help you determine, set up and plan for your future.  They will help you develop and achieve goals that give you the wings to fly and chase those dreams.

We can assist and support you in this area

Qualified coaches assist students with course and career choice
Owning a car is a great way to explore our beautiful State

Personal transport

Nothing gives a person more freedom in Australia than having their own transport and a licence to drive.  Australia is a beautiful country, full of magnificent scenery and activities and having your own transport will assist you to make the best of your time here.

Obtaining an Australian driver’s license and purchasing a vehicle to suit your needs and wants can be stressful.  We can offer value added services that will assist and support you in this area.


Australians value the contribution of volunteers to our community!  Volunteering to assist one of our many community groups will help to improve your understanding of our culture, gain respect and acceptance.  Opportunities exist to help the old, the homeless, disbanded animals, beach goers, vulnerable and the needy.

We can assist and support you in identifying and connecting with volunteer organisations which will sit comfortably with your personal values and skills and which will provideyou with the sense of worth and satisfaction that comes from helping others.

Volunteering is a satisfying way to intergrate

Visa Management

We realise that obtaining a Visa is a critical step in realising your dream to study, work and live in Australia.  However, it can be daunting.  We offer a no-nonsense competitive Visa management service provided by Registered Immigration Agents from the application for a student Visa through to the lodgement of a permanent residency visa.

We help people like you every day with Visa lodgements, so don’t waste any more time worrying about the best way to start the process.  We can take the worry away.  Once you contact us, one of our friendly staff who can speak your native language will make contact with you.  They will listen to your circumstances, needs and wants and explain how we can make the whole process so much easier for you. We can then either handle the complete process on your behalf or give advice and assistance on the way forward. Our service will ensure all requirements are addressed within the lodgement process so that you can receive fast, cost effective and stress free lodgement and consideration of your Visa application.

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