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Student Success Stories

Australia and New Zealand are increasingly popular study locations for Vietnamese international students looking to obtain a quality education in an English speaking country. Australian and New Zealand educational institutions rank highly against their international counterparts. They offer an affordable, safe, multi-cultural and pleasant environment in which to achieve your dreams.

5STAR Student Services helps overseas students study in Australia or New Zealand by arranging their admission, visa, counselling, scholarships, internships and other services required for living in a new country. We recommend language, secondary, vocational, undergraduate and postgraduate courses at highly regarded institutions and locations best suited to your needs and goals.

On this page we have provided information and resources that will be of particular interest to Vietnamese students and their parents. It includes international student stories about their experience and the pathways they took to achieve success!!

Pathways to tertiary study in Australia and New Zealand

Studying in an Australian and New Zealand educational institution offers students the advantage of fast-tracked, experiential and even direct-entry pathways to universities, TAFE and vocational education institutions. A guidance officer or another dedicated member of staff provides students with counselling and advice on career pathways, study options and subject choices to help them take the next step towards their career goal.  

To find out more about alternative higher education pathways, please read the following case studies and watch the videos to hear about international students and their     road to success.

1. Direct-entry pathways from High school to University

Obtaining a High School Certificate qualifies international students for direct-entry to Australian universities, TAFE and vocational education institutions. 

Bright future, global opportunities

When Harry arrived to study in Queensland in 2011, he spoke very little English. Four months later he had completed a High School Preparation (HSP) program at Whites Hill State College giving him the language proficiency he needed to join mainstream Year 11 classes at Cleveland District State High School (SHS).

By Year 12, Harry already knew he wanted to study nursing but says he was confused by the array of tertiary study options available to him. With the help of his school guidance counsellor, Harry set his sights on a course at Queensland University of Technology and chose senior high school studies in mathematics, chemistry and biology to take him there.  Here is what Harry had to say about his experience:

“My name is Huynh, or people call me Harry; I’m from Vietnam.

I went to Cleveland District State High School to study Year 11 and 12.

I’ve always wanted to be a nurse since I was little because we lived in such a poor community where a lot of people lived in little slums. From that point I told myself that in the future I wanted to be a nurse to do something and give back to the community, and nursing is the first choice for my career.

Teachers at school are quite supportive because they know that I’m an international student and they always gave extra time after a class just to help me and to go through everything I’d written down just to make sure that I understand. If I ever had any questions I would just come and see them after-hours and they would spend time with me and really help me and communicate and explain everything to me until I understand everything.

To be able to prepare to go to study nursing at QUT you have to know information about biology, chemistry or mathematics. Back in school, chemistry and biology were my strengths and I got high achievement in the titration competition in chemistry, and I also got a really high achievement in my biology subject.

I chose Queensland because I came here to get a higher education opportunity and I’m actually loving the lifestyle over here, friends, going out, the environment; and also in the future I will be able to get a better job.”

During Year 12, Harry also had the opportunity to undertake work experience at Brisbane’s Princess Alexandra Hospital.

“It’s quite amazing when you get to work in a cardiac ward and I was inspired by all the nurses. I just felt it was amazing to have so much knowledge about nursing, know so much about human anatomy. I felt like this is what I want to do in the future and it really helped me to refine why I chose to do nursing.”

Now qualified, Harry is excited about the future and where his degree and practical experience will take him next.

Nursing is internationally recognised as a degree so once you get the degree you can actually work wherever you want in most countries around the world. It’s fantastic; it’s a great advantage.”

Learn more about Harry’s experience here!  

Lisa (Lan) from Vietnam is making her career dreams come true in Queensland​​​

Marketing Manager Lisa left Vietnam to study in Queensland 8 years ago. Completing an EQI High School Preparation program at Whites Hill State College gave her the English language skills she needed to progress to mainstream classes at Yeronga State High School.

EQI’s high quality international student program prepared Lisa for the next stage of her journey: studying a Bachelor Degree in International Business and Marketing at QUT.  With an internationally recognised education and the advantage of speaking fluent English and Vietnamese, Lisa is now looking forward to helping her employer expand overseas, giving her an opportunity to fulfil her global career ambitions. Here is what Lisa had to say about her experience:

My name is Lisa, I’m from Vietnam. I’m currently studying International Business and Marketing at QUT and I’m also the Marketing Manager at Accurate tool company.  

Studying in a Queensland government school gave me the opportunity to develop life experience, skills and independence, and to make friends from all over the world and improve my English.  

I work for Accurate Australia. The company supplies tools for the timber industry. Because I studied here in Queensland it has given me the education and understanding of Australian culture.  

Through my studies at QUT in International Business and Marketing, and being able to speak two languages - English and Vietnamese - Accurate values that skill especially as the company plans to expand the business into the Asia market. 

​After I graduate from Uni I’ll definitely continue to work at Accurate as the Marketing Manager to expand the company to all over the world -like the Asian market, New Zealand, Europe - so I can travel to different places around the world and complete my dream.”

 To find out more about Queensland Government schools and higher education pathways, please listen to Lisa’s video

Cheryl is an EQI alumni student from Malaysia who is currently studying a Bachelor of Dental Science (Honours) at The University of Queensland (UQ).

Cheryl came to Queensland to study Years 11 and 12 at Kedron State High School (SHS). In 2015 she graduated with an Overall Position (OP) 11 and was presented with the Dux and Advancement of Understanding awards, the John Kieseker Memorial Prize for Mathematics and high achievement awards in chemistry, physics and graphics.


Cheryl’s fantastic results enabled her to choose from a number of offers from universities in Queensland and interstate. However, after a great deal of consideration, Cheryl followed her heart and her first preference to stay in Brisbane and study dentistry at UQ.

Now in her second year of university, Cheryl is well on the way to achieving her career ambitions and says she will always have positive memories of her time at Kedron SHS.

Hear about her success story!!

Ha from Vietnam tells about her experiences as an Economics student at The University of Queensland. See why she chose to study and live in Brisbane, Australia's new world city.  

To discover more about universities and the full range of study options available to students , please contact

To find out more about Direct - Entry pathways to University, please contact

2. TAFE college to University pathways

Studying in a Technical and Further Education (TAFE) college offers students the advantage of fast-tracked, experiential and even direct-entry pathways to Australian universities and the workforce. Qualifications from TAFE college's are highly valued by industry because of their focus on developing practical knowledge and skills for specific jobs. 

Case Study (Yixiang) from China

Following his grandfather’s footsteps

Frost is an Aircraft Maintenance Engineering student from China who is currently studying a Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering at Aviation Australia. He is due to complete his course in November this year.

As he has achieved a grade point average above 75% in all subjects studied his qualification will enable him to obtain an EASA Aircraft Maintenance Engineer licence which is recognised and in high demand throughout Europe and Asia.

Frost has had a long time desire to work as a professional in the Aircraft industry both locally and overseas. His new qualification will also enable him to enrol in the Bachelor of Business (Aircraft Maintenance Management) at the University of Southern Queensland.

Graduates can complete the Bachelor of Business in two years (instead of the normal three years) as they receive a full one year credit for the Aviation Australia Diploma. This unique Diploma/ Bachelor of Business qualification will qualify him for entry into management roles with International Airlines, Aircraft manufacturers, Defence service industries and organisations providing aviation maintenance and repair services across the globe. 

Although Frost could speak reasonable English when he arrived, he undertook the four month English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course offered by the Queensland University of Technology giving him the language proficiency he needed to study, live, work and succeed in Australia.

Here is what Frost had to say about his experience:

“My name is Frost, I’m from Shanghai in China.

I’ve always wanted to be an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer since I was little. My grandfather was working at a local airport (later becomes the producing site of COMAC) as a senior aircraft technician to sign off before flight, he love to share his aviation stories with me. The reasons I choose to study overseas after I finished my college in China are because:  First, learning in an English speaking environment allows future opportunities to working in international companies. Second, studying in Australia give me a brand new experience of learning.

Teachers at the college are very supportive and they always are prepared to give me extra time after class, if ever I had any question. They are even prepared to help me with my own project - the design and manufacture of a scratch build radio controlled model aircraft… they know much more practical techniques than I expected.

To be an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer you have to know information about mathematics, physics, aerodynamic and a bit of communication and management. Back in China I excelled in these areas and completed a Certificate in Avionics with Distinction at the local Technical Institute.

I chose Queensland because I came here to get a higher education opportunity and I’m actually loving the lifestyle over here, friends, the environment; and also in the future I will be able to get a better job.”

Frost is now well on the pathway to his career ambitions and says he will always have positive memories of his time studying at Aviation Australia. As he will soon be qualified, he is very excited about the future and where his diploma will take him next........


To find out more about studying at an Australian TAFE College, please contact

3. VET College to higher education institution pathways

Studying in a Private College offers students the advantage of fast-tracked, experiential and even direct-entry pathways to Australian universities, TAFE and the workforce. A high level of English proficiency and competency based practical skills makes students job/higher education ready and enables them to compete for jobs in a highly competitive market place.

Case Study (Khanh) from Vietnam

“I Got 7.0 in the IELTS Test” – Nguyen Khanh

“My name is Nguyen Khanh Phung, I am from Vietnam.

I would like to extend my great thanks to my IELTS teacher at Browns English School. After several weeks attending the IELTS preparation class, I have improved dramatically, especially in reading and writing sections. With special methods in teaching and unique strategies have been provided from my teacher, the IELTS class helped me to write and read better. I started to understand as to how to construct an essay appropriately for IELTS, be it argument, report or argument and report combined styles.

It was a great experience preparing for the exam. My teacher tries to accommodate the individual requirements of each student, tailoring lesson to accommodate both low, moderate and high-level students.
It is agreed that IELTS is a boring test, especially those tedious techniques, however, everyone in the class learns huge  amount of techniques and vocabularies while enjoying his humor.

After a few weeks, I obtained a 7 overall, with writing 7, reading 7, speaking 7 and listening 6. I received the result as I expected.”


To find out more about studying English in Australia, please contact 

4. High schools

Follow the informative video links provided to hear Steven's, Minh's, Amy's and Quoc-bao stories about their decision to study at an Australian High School.


To find out more about High schools and higher education pathways, please contact