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'Make studying in Australia your pathway to a bright future'

Study in Australia
Student benefiting from our airport pick-up service

Support Services

Integrating into the Australian culture can be a difficult process for International students.  In fact, this could prove to be the biggest barrier to your success.  At 5 STAR Student Services  we are well aware of this and provide many services to assist and support you to make this critical transition so that the barriers others may face are removed and/ or negated for you.

Contact us Now to commence your journey!

Support services offered include:


It can be very daunting for you when you arrive in Australia.  You have no idea of the quality, safety or security of the various accommodation options.  You are likely to have little access to the information necessary to properly assess the suitability of the suburbs where the accommodation exists, nearby facilities, transport hubs or the security of the particular area. 

You will want somewhere affordable, safe, welcoming, close to shops and public transport that links well with universities, proximity to others from your country etc.  In the first 6 months of your stay you will find out more about the Australian lifestyle, public transport, Universities and your social and accommodation requirements. 

We can organise accredited Homestay places which will satisfy all your immediate accommodation needs for care and security until you are in a better position to arrange alternative suitable accommodation yourself.

Click on the contact us tab to request this service offering.


Public Transport

Australian Public Transport systems are world class, however, at first eventhe simple task of getting from A to B correctly, quickly and at the lowest cost can be daunting.  Our staff can assist and support you with this to once again reduce your concerns and allow you to concentrate on other important matters.

Your Homestay host or your designated International mentor will assist you here.


Local amenities

Australia is a diverse country that embraces multiculturalism.  Many different cultural amenities (shops, churches, groups, restaurants) exist everywhere throughout Australia and we will help you to become aware of the ones that will satisfy your needs.


Students enjoying our great outdoors and sporting facilities


Queenslander Homestay residence

International Mentoring

One of the things we often take for granted in our homeland is that there are people all around who are willing to understand, help and support you.  When you first move to Australia you may no longer have access to a support group resulting in feelings of loneliness and insecurity! 

Wouldn’t it be great to not only have someone who knows your language, culture and needs but also who has done exactly what you are now doing – an international mentor.  These mentors are International Student immigrants.  They know all the hazards and things that can go wrong and how to help you find acceptable solutions to these problems.

We can provide you with your very own International Mentor, one whospeaks your native language and who can provide help when you need it.

Modern Transport Services

Interest groups

It is important that you continue to lead a balanced life in Australia with opportunities to make friends, have fun, improve your English, stay fit and relax.  To satisfy these needs many of us undertake hobbies or play a sport.  Australia offers an extensive list of activities and interest groups likely to satisfy all your needs e.g. you might like photography, reading, cooking or bush walking or play tennis, badminton or football.

Your homestay host or your designated International mentor can assist you to link with like-minded people from these interest groups and so allow you to still have fun and integrate at the same time as meeting your educational and work objectives.


We call on our extensive industry networks to obtain relevant ‘Internships’ for you to further enhance your degree, workplace skills programs and to introduce you to a possible working future.  We can connect you to relevant industry employers who will match your skills and goals with your needs and requirements.

We conduct a one-on-one assessment session with you to understand your particular skills, your work placement requirements and then we help you to prepare a submission to relevant industry partners.  We will support your application to various organisations and assist your preparation for interviews with interested industry internship providers.  Periodic discussions are held with the industry provider and yourself to ensure both parties are having their needs fulfilled by the internship.

Points from this program will go towards your Skilled Migration Visa applications.

Gain essential, skills, experience and contacts to obtain employment

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